Fitness, Focus & Fun in a friendly atmosphere with highly qualified instructors
The discipline of martial arts is for everyone, women and men. At Japanese Martial Arts Centre Inc improve your fitness and concentration and learn about Japanese culture. Training for a calm mind, a fit and flexible body and respect for others.
About Us
At Japanese Martial Arts Centre, practitioners can study Aikido, Katori Shinto Ryu under KEISHINKAN, Jodo and Iaido under JUGOKAN.
Each art directs you to unify mind, technique and body. The challenges in the dojo help us understand ourselves more fully, enhance our sense of morality, and cultivate a respectful and courteous demeanour. The martial arts serve as a path to self-perfection. This elevation of the human spirit will contribute to social prosperity and harmony, and ultimately benefit the people of the world.

Learning the martial art of Aikido means learning about oneself, increasing one’s self awareness and awareness of others.
To perform effective Aikido we learn to move from our centre, and blend with the attacker’s movement rather than trying to block it. Rather than strength, timing and the power of movement makes aikido techniques effective.

Katori Shinto Ryu, classical Japanese martial arts was designated as an intangible cultural property in Japan. Included in its martial curriculum: iaijutsu, kenjutsu, bojutsu, naginatajutsu, jujutsu, shurikenjutsu, ninjutsu, sojutsu, senjutsu (tactics), and chikujojutsu (field fortification art). Correct posture and balance opens the way for concentrated energy of mind and body to focus on one specific goal, excluding all extraneous thoughts.

Jodo is a Japanese martial art of the stick (JO). Jodo training consists of three main areas of focus:
• Tandoku dosa – solo practice of basic techniques with the jo
• Sotai dosa – paired practice of basic techniques with the jo against the sword
• Kata – paired forms of Jo usually against the sword.
More advanced students may learn the classical style (koryu) of Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu.

Iaido pronounced “ee-eye-doh” and Iai Jutsu are primarily concerned with the drawing of the sword (batto) and the dispatching of the enemy in a clear and decisive manner.In modern times the use of the sword is now defunct. As students of the art, we invest many years of training with the aim of perfecting our techniques, when in reality this goal is unrealistic as we will never be perfect. This is where the challenge and enjoyment of the art is sought – with training it is possible to slowly polish away the rough exterior to reveal the simple beauty of the art and ones self.
A dojo is a miniature cosmos where we make contact with ourselves –
our fears, anxieties, reactions and habits.
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
❖ Training Time
Tue Aikido 18:00 – 19:30
Katori Shinto ryu 19:30 – 21:00
Wed Jodo 18:00 – 19:30
Thur Iaido 18:30 – 20:00
Sat Aikido 8:30 – 10:00
Katori Shinto ryu 10:30 – 13:00
Contact Us :
aikido / katori shinto ryu – 0403 751 730
jodo / iaido – 0400 681 958
Dojo : Unit 6, 1 Emplacement Crescent, Hamilton Hill, Western Australia
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